Adding Instagram Feed on blogger websites is way simpler than it was. First, you gotta choose the tool that will make the road to embedding the Instagram feed amazing.


Some of the top tools that every business and brands rely on for integrating Instagram Feeds on websites are Taggbox, Tagembed, Feed Them Social, Light Widget, Snapwidget etc.


I have used Taggbox Widget due to its features, productivity, and support.


Taggbox Widget is an amazing complete UGC solution. 


Let’s see how you can add Instagram Feed to your Blogger Website using Taggbox Widget. 


In a few steps, you can aggregate and embed the Instagram feed on the Blogger website.


1. First, create a Taggbox account. If you’re a new user, you can opt-in for 14 days free trial.


2. Then use the following methods to aggregate Instagram feeds:

  • Hashtags (#)
  • Mentions (@)
  • Tagged
  • Handles (@)


Within a short matter of time, all the Instagram posts will be aggregated into the Taggbox Editor.


3. Then you can make the changes into the widget look and feel according to your taste using the customization and personalization options.


4. Now select the website platform and generate the embedding code.


5. Copy the URL code, open your Blogger Admin, and paste it into the web page you want to embed the Instagram Feeds into.


Enjoy the embedded live Instagram Feeds on the blogger website.


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